امروز از گوگل بدم آمد

جمعه, شهریور ۰۶, ۱۳۸۳ | 0 نظرات

امروز گوگل شناسه کاربري من را در سيستم AdSense خود بست و نامه زير را برايم ارسال کرد. اي کاش حداقل اسم من را درست مي نوشتند!

Hello Mohammad,

I am writing to inform you that your Google AdSense account has been suspended. We are unable to accept accounts for publishers residing in countries on the United States Office of Foreign Assets Control sanction list.

Your country of residence appears to be on this list. As such, we have disabled your account and ads will no longer be served to your website through the AdSense program. We will issue refunds to advertisers for the clicks accrued on your account and are required to withhold from you any outstanding payments.

We apologize for any inconvenience this situation may cause you.

The Google Team

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